Sunday, April 29, 2012


This piece of art is the art of tying knots without the use of needles or hooks. It is called Macrame and we learned how to create a spiraled key chain or bracelet. Though there are many different ways to create your braided works, the spiral was the form used for this three beaded key chain. The beads I chose were about the same size and I thought the black bead in the center would match my vehicle key. The red beads gave the piece a sense of balance and now I can find my keys easier in my purse.
An extension activity would be to teach the students other forms of Macrame and then give them opportunities to create pieces of art. If the students were really interested in their projects, they could give them away to the younger students at the school or sell them at the school craft fair to help their school. I would let the children decide what to do since it is their artwork under discussion.

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